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Sumadhura Sushantham Luxurious Residential Apartment in GKVK Road

Rs 10099404.00

Sumadhura Sushantham Luxurious Residential Apartment in GKVK Road

Estate type
Want to sell
Very Good / New
Sumadhura Group
Bangalore, KARNATAKA, India
1/18/2022 10:17:42 PM
Sumadhura Sushantham is a smartly designed home. It's far more than just luxurious, with a world-class living space in North Bangalore, that offers unmatched connectivity yet gives the serenity and the bliss of natural greens, with perfect dedicated WALKING TRACKS, CYCLE TRACKS, and even PET PARK. At this unique and intimate living development, a well-curated life is waiting for you. All you get to hear is the sweet chirping sounds of birds, breath in fresh and clean air from the nearby canopy of trees, and that fulfils your dream of having a home amid nature with modern architecture unfolding at every corner. Moreover, the schools, colleges, offices, and entertainment attractions are within a few minutes of driving distance which is an added advantage. Yes! We thought of an abode for you which is a home that provides an abundance of peace, tranquillity, and a healthy environment! To know more:
Sumadhura Sushantham Luxurious Residential Apartment in GKVK Road

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