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Vishnu Sahasranama Puja

Rs 10.00

Vishnu Sahasranama Puja

Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA, India
3/20/2024 11:08:03 AM
Since Lord Vishu is one of the big power of gods acknowledged to mankind, hence, it's far pretty huge to do the Vishnu Sahasranam Puja. This puja is likewise achieved to convey happiness and prosperity in a husband and wife`s married life. Hence, for newlyweds, or maybe an antique couple for that matter, that is a totally huge pujan. This pooja of Lord Vishnu is achieved with the shodasopacharas, i.e. it's far the chanting of vishnusooktam, purushasooktam, and narayanopanishat and 1008 namavili easternanese of Lord Vishnu.
Vishnu Sahasranama Puja

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